Defining Multi Organization


Multi-org it is used to capture the Multiple Organization information in single Data base.

Business Group:
Its Heights level in Multi-Org structure it secures the Human Resource information.

It is a Reporting entity. In which recording day to day business transitions and also it will determined by 4c’s for our Organization.

One Business group contains multiple ledgers but one ledger must associate with one business group.
Legal Entity:
Legal entity is nothing but a tax authority, one ledger contains multiple legal entities. But one legal entity must be associate with one ledger only.

Operating Unit:
It is nothing but a Major business group division. One legal Entity contains multiple operating units but one operating unit must be associated with one legal entity.

Inventory Organization:
It’s nothing but a ware house or manufacturing plan. Were storing the goods one operating contains multiple inventory organization. But one inventory organization must be associated with operating unit only.

Sub Inventory:
It’s a part of in inventory organization. One inventory organization contains multiple sub inventories, but one Sub-Inventory Must is associated with the inventory organization.

Define Currencies
Navigation: SetupàCurrenciesàDefine
It’s all ready defined in the system.

Define Location
Switch to USHRMS Responsibility.
NAV: Work structureàLocation.

Address Details:

Save it

And enter Shipping Details:

Save it

Define Business Group.
Switch to HRMS Responsibility.
NAV: Work structuresàOrganization àDescription
Click on NEW (A)

Save it.

Than Go To Organizations Classifications:
Enter Business Group 

Save it
Go to Others
Then select Business Group Info

Click ok. Then Give business group info.

 Click ok.
Create Ledger
Define Chart of Accounts
Switch to GL Responsibility.
NAV: SetupàFinancialsàFlex fieldsàKeyàSegments

Save it
Then go to segments

Save it
Go to Flex field Qualifiers Tab
*      Company: Balancing Segment
*      Department: Cost center Segment
*      Accounts: Natural Account Segment
*      Management: Management Segment

Save it
Ø  Select Future Segment
Ø  Click on open.
Ø  Enable Allow Dynamic Inserts
Ø  Enable Freeze Flex Field Definition
Ø  Say OK
Ø  Than Compile the Structure

Ø  Say OK.

Click OK.

Save it.
Define Ledger
NAV: SetupàFinancialsàAccounting Setup ManageràAccounting Setups
Go Create Accounting Setup Tab.

Click Next

Ø Click Next
Ø  Again Say Finish
Ø  Go to Define Accounting Options.
Ø  Primary Ledger Setup step
Ø  Go Ledger Options Than Click on Update.
Ø   Click Next
Ø  Go to Ledger Options.
     Give Retained Earnings Account

Click Next
Again say Finish.
Go to setup step 2 Reporting Currencies and Update

 Click Complete
Ø  Setup step Balancing segment value assignments and go to Update.
Ø  Click on Complete.
Ø  And Sequencing segment go to Update
Ø  Change the status In progress to Complete

Click Apply.
Again say Complete

System through the Warring Massage

Click Yes
After that you will get conformation Message.
Define HRMS Responsibility.
Switch to Sys-Admin

NAV: Security à Responsibility à Define

Save it.

Assign Profile Options to HRMS Responsibility
NAV: ProfileàSystem

Ø  HR: Business Group
Ø  HR: Security Profile
Ø  HR: User Type

Ø  GL: Ledger Name

HR: Business Group:
It is used to assign business group to the responsibility.
HR: Security Profile:
It is used to bring the default futures for our business group.
HR: User Type:
It Will Determined were we can access or Organization window.
In Responsibility Window

 If you define profile option at site level it is veiled for entire server.
If you define profile option at application level it is valid for particular application.
If you define profile option at responsibility level It is Valid for only particular Responsibility.
If you define profile option at organization level than it valid for particular organization only. The organization like Business Group and Operating Unit.
If you define profile potion at user level that it is valid for particular user.

Save it
Assign HRMS Responsibility to the User

NAV: SecurityàUseràDefine

Save it
Define GL Responsibilitys
Switch to Sys-Admin

NAV: SecurityàResponsibilityàDefine

Save it

Assign profile options to GL Responsibility.
Switch to Sys-Admin
NAV: ProfileàSystem

Save it
Save it
Assign profile options To GL Respo
        I.            HR: Security Profile
      II.            HR: User Type
    III.            GL: Ledger Name
And Save it
Assign GL Responsibility to the User

Save it
Define Legal Entity
Switch to GL Respo
NAV: Setupàfinancials-->Accounting setup ManageràAccounting Setups
  •    Accounting setup Steps Tab
  •         Than go to Update Accounting options
  •          Go to Legal Entity Tab
  •      Say Create Legal Entity

Say Apply
Assign Legal entity to the ledger
Switch to GL
NAV: SetupàFinancialsàAccounting Setup ManageràAccounting Setups
·         Now go to Accounting Setups tab
·         Quarry your Ledger
·         Go to Update Accounting option
·         And go to Legal Entity Region
·         Say Add Legal Entity

·         Search Legal Entity and Say Apply

Say Apply
Define Operating Unit
Switch to GL
NAV: SetupàFinancialsàAccounting Setup ManageràAccounting Setup
Select Operating Unit Go to Update.

And Say Operating Unit

Say Add Another
NAV: ViewàRequestàSubmit a New RequestàSelect Single Request
Say Ok
Run Replicate seed data Program For each Operating Unit

“Replicate seed data Program” Will bring the Default futures from operating unit

Say OK
And Say Submit
Say Find
And Again Run Replicate Seed data Program For Operating Unit 2

Click Ok
Click Submit
Again Click Find

Open the periods in GL
Switch to GL Respo
NAV: Setup Open/Close

Define Inventory Responsibility
Witch to Sys-Admin
NAV: SecurityàResponsibilityàDefine

Save it
Assign profile option to Inventory Responsibility
Switch to Sys-Admin
NAV: ProfileàSystem
HR: Business Group
HR: Security Profile
HR: User Type
GL: Ledger Name
MO: Operating Unit

MO: Operating Unit
It is used to Determined the which operating unit we are getting accesses from Particular responsibility

Click Find

Save it
Assign Inventory Responsibility to the User
Switch to Sys-Admin
NAV: SecurityàUseràDefine
Quarry your User and Assign Respo

Save it
Define Work day calendar
Switch to Inventory Respo
NAV: SetupàOrganizationsàCalendars

Go to Work Day Pattern

Save it
Then Go to Shifts Tab

Go to Times Tab

Save it
Place Curser on work day Calendar name
Than go to Tools
Select Build
Click Ok

Click Ok
See Build Work day calendar is Normal.

Define Inventory Organization
Switch to HRMS Responsibility
NAV: Work StructuresàOrganizationàDescription

Save it
Than go to others
Select Accounting information

Click ok
Again go to others
Select inventory Information.
Click ok

Click ok

Go to Inventory Parameters Tab

Go to Costing Information Tab

Go to Revision, Lot, Serial and LPN Tab

Than go to Other Accounts Tab

Save it

Define Sub Inventory
NAV: SetupàOrganizationsàSub inventories
Select your inventory organization

Click Ok

 Then go to Item/Sub inventory Tab

Save it

(Multiple organization Access Control)

It is used to access the multiple operating information from single responsibility we will use
“MO: Operating Unit, MO: Security Profile “to access the multiple organization information from single Responsibility.
Define multi-org Security profile
Switch to HRMS
NAV: SecurityàProfile

Run security list maintence program
Switch to HRMS
NAV: Process and Reports àSubmit Processes and Report
Select Single Request



1. Define all responsibilities:
Define PO Responsibility
Switch to Sys-Admin

NAV: SecurityàResponsibilityàDefine

Save it.

Define AP Responsibility
NAV: SecurityàResponsibilityàDefine

Save it

Define OM Responsibility
NAV: SecurityàResponsibilityàDefine

Save it

Define AR Responsibility
NAV: SecurityàResponsibilityàDefine

Save it

Define FA Responsibility

NAV: SecurityàResponsibilityàDefine

Save it

Define CM Responsibility

NAV: SecurityàResponsibilityàDefine

Save it

Define EBT Responsibility

NAV: SecurityàResponsibilityàDefine

2.  Assign Profile Options to all responsibilities
HR: Business Group
HR: Security Profile
HR: User Type
GL: Ledger Name
MO: Security Profile OR MO: Operating Unit

Switch to Sys-Admin

NAV: ProfileàSystem

Click Find

Save It
In the same way all profile options assign to Responsibilities

Assign all Responsibilities to the User

NAV: SecurityàUseràDefine

Save it


Purchasing Application is used to capture the all purchasing Related Activities our Organization
There are two types of Purchasing order cycle

1.       Procure to pay cycle ( P2P)

Order to Cash Cycle (O2C)

Procure to pay:
                It is used to procure the goods or services from vendors and make payment to them.
Purchase Order Setups:
1.       Options
2.       Employee
3.       Item
4.       Supplier
5.       Purchasing option setups

                Options are nothing but Controlling futures at operating unit level
                There are 3 types of Options
1.       Financial Options
2.       Purchasing Options
3.       Receiving Options

Financial options will be shared by Purchasing, Payables, Fixed Assets, Web expenses.

Define financial options
Switch to PO Respo
NAV: SetupàOrganizationsàFinancial Options

Click New
Accounts Tab

Then go to
Supplier Purchasing Tab

PO Rate Variance Gain & Loss:

This two accounts be used to record the gain or loss which are accruing due to the following foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations between invoice price and PO

Free On Board:
It will Determined were worship of the goods changing from supplier to Organization.
Freight terms:
Nothing but a Transport expenses. Freight terms will be determined the transport charges.
Than go to Human Resource Tab

Save it.

2. Purchasing Options:

                Purchasing options will be shared by only purchasing option.

NAV: SetupàOrganizationsàPurchasing Options

Enforce full lot quantity:
                Ti will determine whether we can enter Purchasing document with lot quantity.

Receipt close point:
It will determined the please whether organization conforming the goods as been received from supplier

Cancel Requisitions:
                Ti will determine whether we can cancel or not when we cancel the purchase order.

Notify if blanket exists:
                It will determine where system will pop let warning message or not while creating second blanket purchase agreement for same supplier.

Allow item description update:
                It will determine whether we can update or not item description at the time of purchasing document creation.

3. Receiving Options:

                Receiving options nothing but a Controlling future at inventory organization level. This option will be shared by only inventory organization.
Define receiving options
NAV: SetupàOrganizationsàReceiving Options

Select your INV Organization.

Click on save

Define Jobs
Switch to HR Respo        
NAV: Work StructuresàJobàDescription
Define PO Clark Job
Click NEW

Click OK

Define Employees

NAV: PeopleàEnter And Maintain

Save it
Click on Address 

Save it

Assign job to employees
NAV: PeopleàEnter And Maintain
Assign job to employee 1
Give your Employee Name
Click Find

Click Find
Then go to Assignment 

Save it 
Assign PO Manager to PO Clark
NAV: PeopleàEnter And Maintain
Find Po Clark
Go to Assignment
Than go to Supervisor Tab.

Save it

Define users and assign employees to the user
Switch to Sys-Admin

NAV: SecurityàUseràDefine

Save it

Item nothing but a product. Item will be defined in the inventory.
There are 7 types of key Flex Fields in inventory.

1.       Item categories
2.       Account analyses
3.       Item catalogs
4.       Sales orders
5.       System items
6.       Stock locaters
7.       Oracle service item FF

1. Item categories:

                It is used to determine the item. Item categories are used to categories the item based on organization requirement.

Up to 20 segments we will define in item categories structure.

Switch to PO
Define item categories structure

NAV: SetupàFlex fieldsàKeyàSegments

Go to Segments

Save it
Place curser on item categories than go to Value set
And change the Validation type
(Item Categories is Independent) and (Item Class Categories is Dependent)

Save it

Save it
Than Freeze Flex Field definition 
And Compile the Structure

Click OK
Define Values for item categories structure
NAV: SetupàFlex FieldsàKeyàValues

Click Find

 Save it
Define Class Segment values

NAV: SetupàFlex FieldsàKeyàValues

Click Find
Save it

Define item categories
Item categories to group the item based on reporting requirement.
Switch to Inventory
NAV: SetupàItemsàCategoriesàCategory Codes
Click NEW
And give item parameters

Click Ok

Save it

Define Category set
Category set is used to group the category codes
NAV: SetupàItemsàCategoriesàCategory Sets

Save it
Define Item
NAV: ItemsàMaster Items

Save it

Than go to inventory Tab
Enable inventory item

Then go to purchasing Tab
Enable Purchased (Z)
And Give Expense Account

Then go to order Management Tab

Enable Customer Ordered

Then go to Invoicing Tab
Enable Invoiceable Item 

Save it
Place causer on item name than go to Tools and select Categories 

See the items

Suppliers: (Wander)

Ether person or organization who is supplying goods or services is called a supplier
It contains of 3 levels of information
1.       Header (HO): Global àAccess to Business Group
2.       Address
3.       Site (Branches): Specific to Operating Unit
Define Supplier
Switch to PO
NAV: Supplier BaseàSuppliers
Click on Create Supplier

Click Apply

Than go to Suppliers tab
Update Company Profile Organization Tab

Click On Save
Confirmations to Organization have been saved.

Than go to Address Book
And Click Create

Click Continue

Click Apply

Sony Hyderabad has been added to the Address Book for Sony Corporation

Then go to Contact Directory
Click on Create

Then go to Product Services
Click on Add
Select your Product
And Enable 

Click Apply
After that you get confirmation

After that go to Freight Tab
Country of Origin (Change the Status)

You got Confirmation message

Then go to Receiving Tab

Click on save
After you get confirmation

Than go to Invoice Management Tab
Change the currencies 

Click Save
And after that you get confirmation message

Open periods in PO
NAV: SetupàFinancialsàAccountingàControl Purchasing Periods
Select your Operating unit

And Click GO And Open Starting period to current Period

Click Save

Approval Groups:
                Approvals groups are used to define approval authorization limits

Define approval groups
NAV: SetupàApprovalsàApproval Groups
Select your operating unit

Save it

Define PO Manager
NAV: SetupàApprovalsàApproval Groups

Save it

Approval Assignments:
                Approval assignment window is used to assign approval groups for jobs and purchasing documents.

Assign approval groups

PO clerk job
NAV: SetupàApprovalsàApproval Assignments

Save it

PO General Manager

NAV: SetupàApprovalsàApproval Assignments

Save it

Document Types
                It is used to determine the future data or purchasing documents.

Define document types
NAV: SetupàPurchasingàDocument Types
Select your Operation Unit
And again select Purchasing Requisition and go to update

Click Apply

                UN employee who is buying goods are services be huff of organization is called a buyer

NAV: SetupàPersonalàBuyers
Click Add buyer

Click Save


                Requisition is created by employee in the organization. If there is a requirement.
It contains 3 levels of information
1.       Header
2.       Lines (Item or Product information)
3.       Distributions (Accounting Level information)

There are two types of purchase requisitions
1.       Internal requisition
2.       Purchase requisition
Internal Requisition:
                It is used to move goods from one inventory organization to another inventory organization.

Purchase Requisition:
                It is used to buy goods or services from external source.

Create purchase requisition
NAV: RequisitionsàRequisitions

Lines Tab

Go to Source Details Tab

Than go to Details Tab

Then go to Currency Tab

Click on Distributions 

Save it

Go to Approve

Click ok

Quarry Purchasing Requisition to check the status
NAV: RequisitionsàRequisition Summary

Quarry Purchasing Requisition to check the status
NAV: RequisitionsàRequisition Summary


                RFQ will be created by buyers and send to suppliers obtain quotation
It contains of 3 levels of RFQ’s
1.                   Catalog RFQ
2.                   Standard RFQ
3.                   Bid RFQ
RFQ can be created 2 ways
1.                   Manual
2.                   Automatic

Manual Creation:
                Entering RFQ’S manually in the purchasing is called a manual creation.
Catalog Creation:
                It is used for regular items which are used on daily bases. 

It contains 3 levels of information
1.                   Header
2.                   Lines
3.                   Price Bricks

1. Catalog RFQ:
Create catalog RFQ
NAV: RFQ’S and QuotationsàRFQ’S

Then go to More Tab

Then go to Price Breaks 

Then go to More Tab

Save it 

Go to Suppliers Tab

Save it

Print the RFQ
NAV: ViewàRequestàSubmit a New RequestàSelect Single RequestàOk

Click Submit
Click find

Save it

2. Standard RFQ
                It is used to buy item or goods (Items) occupationally from suppliers.
It contains of 3 levels of information.
1.                   Header
2.                   Lines     
3.                   Price Breaks

Create Standard RFQ
NAV: RFQ’S and QuotationsàRFQ’S

 Go to Price Breaks Tab

Go to RFQ Windows 

Then go to RFQ Window change the status in process to Active
After that click on Suppliers

Save it

Print the standard RFQ

NAV: ViewàRequestàSubmit a New RequestàSelect Single RequestàOk

Click Submit

3. Bid RFQ
                It is used for high value of items which are required special shipment details
It contains 3 level of information
1.                   Header
2.                   Lines
3.                   Shipment

Create Bid RFQ
NAV: RFQ’S and QuotationsàRFQ’S

Then go to Shipment Tab
More TAB Details

Again go to more Tab

Save it
Then go to RFQ Window change the status in process to Active

Go to Suppliers Tab

Save it

Auto Creation of RFQ
                Auto creating RFQ with reference of Requisition is called a automatically
Create RFQ automatically
NAV: Auto Create

Go to Automatic

Click Create
Auto create RFQ Widow
Change the status


               Quotations will be received from suppliers and entered with purchasing by buyers
There are 3 types of Quotations

1.                   Catalog Quotation
2.                   Standard Quotation
3.                   Bid Quotation

Quotations can be created in 2 ways
1.                   Manual
2.                   Automatic

Manual Creation:

                Entering quotations manually the oracle purchasing is called a manual creation.

1. Catalog Quotation:
Create catalog Quotation
NAV: RFQ’S and QuotationsàQuotations

Go to Terms
If any Payment terms any change (Change the Payment terms)

Then go to Items Tab

Then go to more Tab

Save it

Then go to Single Quotation approve

2. Standard Quotation
Create Standard Quotation
NAV: RFQ’S and QuotationsàQuotations

Go to Price Breaks

Then go to RFQ Window change the status in process to Active
Save it

3. Bid Quotation
Create Bid Quotation
NAV: RFQ’S and QuotationsàQuotations 

Go to Shipment Tab

Then go to more Tab

 Then go to RFQ Window change the status in process to Active
Save it

Auto Create Quotations
                Creating quotation with reference of RFQ is called a auto create

Quarry the RFQ for which auto create Quotation.
 Place curser on RFQ Number Then go ToolsàCopy Document

Click ok

Quote Analysis:

                Quote analysis window is used to analysis the Quotations and select the best one
               NAV: RFQ’S and QuotationsàQuote Analysis

Save it

Purchase Orders:
                Purchase orders can be created by organization. And send to the suppliers to buy goods or services.
It can be created by buyers only.
There are 4 levels of information
1. Header
2. Lines
3. Shipments
4. Distributions

There are 4 types of Purchase Orders
1. Standard Purchase Order (SPO)
2. Planed Purchase Order (PPO)
3. Blanket Purchase Agreement (BAP)
4. Contract Purchase Agreement (CPA)

Purchase Order cid divied into two types
1. Manual
2. Auto create

1. Manual Creation

a) Standard Purchase Order
                It is a onetime Purchase order. This will be created by Organization and send to the suppliers to buy goods or services when we know the terms and conditions, Goods or services, Quantity, Price, distribution and Delivery schedules
Create standard purchase order. 

NAV: Purchase OrdersàPurchase Orders

Go to Price Reference Tab

Go to More Tab
If you are buying fixed asset you need enable Capital Expense
Then go to Shipments Tab

Place courser on Shipment number
Go to Receiving Controls Tab

Click ok

Then go to More Tab

Then go to Status Tab

Then go to Distributions Tab

Save it
Go to Approve

Quarry the PO to check the status
NAV: Purchase OrdersàPurchase Order Summary 

See the Approval Status

2. Planed Purchase Order
                It’s an agreement between the supplier and organization to buy goods or services it will be created when we know the terms and condensations, Goods or services, Price, Quantity, Distribution and also delivery schedule may be or may not aware. Either should release will be created with reference of “Planed Purchase Order” (PPO) to obtain goods from suppliers
Create Planed Purchase Order (PPO)
 NAV: Purchase OrdersàPurchase Order

Then go Agreement Tab

After that go to Terms

If you want you can enter how many you want in this Delivery bar
And you can give terms also

Then go to Shipments Tab

Place Curser on Number Then go to Receiving Controls 

Click ok

Then go to Distributions Tab

Save it
Click on Approval

Quarry the PO to check the status
NAV: Purchase OrdersàPurchase Order Summary 

Create Shouldered Release
NAV: Purchase OrdersàReleases    

Then go to More Tab

Then go to Status Tab

Then go to Distributions 

Save it
Then go to Approve
Now see the status

Check the Release amount in Planed Purchase Order
NAV: Purchase OrdersàPurchase Orders
Quarry the PPO
Then go to Agreement Tab

See the Quantity Released & Amount Released

3. Blanket Purchase Agreement:
                It is an agreement between supplier and Organization to buy goods or services it will be created when we know the terms and conditions, Goods or services, price may be or may not be aware of.
Later Blanket releases will be creating with reference of BPA to obtain goods from supplier.
Create Blanket Purchase Order

NAV: Purchase OrdersàPurchase Orders

Then go to Terms Tab

Then go to Price Breaks 

Save it
Then go to Approve
Now status is Approve.

Create Blanket Releases
NAV: Purchase OrdersàReleases 

Then go to Distributions Tab Its automatically came No need to changes
After that save it
And go to Approve

Quarry the BPA to check the releases amount
NAV: Purchase OrdersàPurchase Orders

To Check the Released Amount

4. Contract Purchase Agreement: (CPA)
                It’s a long term agreement between the supplier and organization. It will be created when we know the terms and condensations latter standard purchase agreement will be created with reference of contract purchase agreement to obtain goods or services.
Create Contract purchase agreement
NAV: Purchase OrdersàPurchase Orders

Save it
Then go to Approve

Create Standard purchase order
NAV: Purchase OrdersàPurchase Orders

Go to More Tab

Then go to Reference Document Tab

Save it
Then go to Approve

Quarry CPA to check the releases amount
NAV: Purchase OrdersàReleases

See the Released Amount

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