Oracle AIM Methodology
- · Oracle AIM Methodology provides the Project Management methodology to be followed while implementing Oracle application.
- · AIM provides the Basic Outline with which the whole Implementation Process needs to be handled after the Contract to Implement the solution is signed with the Customer
- · This has so many steps, documents and Templates and the Implementing Company can decide on which are the steps, documents and Templates to be used
- · There is No Hard and Fast rule you have to use all the documents mentioned in AIM Methodology.
AIM Phases-
AIM projects are conducted in phases. These
phases provide quality and control checkpoints to coordinate project activities
that have a common goal. During a project phase, your project team will
simultaneously be executing tasks from several processes.
during Definition, you plan the project, review the organizations business
objectives, understand the business processes, and evaluate the feasibility of
meeting those objectives under time, resource, and budget constraints.
Operation Analysis
During Operations Analysis, the project team develops the Business Requirements
Scenarios (RD.050) based on deliverables from Definition that are used to
assess the level of fit between the detailed business requirements and standard
application functionality.
Solution Design
The purpose of Solution Design is to develop the detailed designs for the new
system to meet the future business requirements. During this phase, project
team members create detailed Business Procedure Documentation (BP.090).
The coding and testing of all customizations and other custom software,
including application extensions, data conversions, and interfaces, is done
during the Build phase. Business system testing is performed to validate that
the functionality meets business requirements.
During Transition, the project team deploys the new system into the
organization. All the elements of the implementation must come together to
transition successfully to actual production. The project team trains the users
while the technical team configures the Production Environment and converts
Production begins immediately with the production cutover. It marks the last
phase of the implementation and the beginning of the system support cycle. A
series of refinements and performance measurement steps is included in this
final phase.
AIM tasks are organized into processes. Each
process represents a related set of objectives, resource skill requirements,
inputs, and deliverable outputs. A task can belong to only one process. Project
team members are usually assigned to a process according to their
specialization and background.
Business Process
Architecture (BP)
Process Architecture addresses understanding of the organization’s business
processes and aligns them with the business requirements and applications to be
Define Business and Process Strategy
BP.020 Catalog and Analyze Potential Changes
BP.030 Determine Data Gathering Requirements
BP.040 Develop Current Process Model
BP.050 Review Leading Practices
BP.060 Develop High-Level Process Vision
BP.070 Develop High-Level Process Design
BP.080 Develop Future Process Model
BP.090 Document Business Procedure
Business Requirements
Definition (RD)
Business Requirements Definition defines the
business needs that must be met by the implementation project. Document
business processes by identifying business events and describing the steps that
respond to these events, and then organize processes into scenarios that
reflect the business requirements
Identify Current Financial and Operating Structure
RD.020 Conduct Current Business Baseline
RD.030 Establish Process and Mapping Summary
RD.040 Gather Business Volumes and Metrics
RD.050 Gather Business Requirements
RD.060 Determine Audit and Control Requirements
RD.070 Identify Business Availability Requirements
RD.080 Identify Reporting and Information Access Requirements
Business Requirements Mapping (BR)
Business Requirements Mapping compares the future
business requirements to standard application software functionality and
identifies gaps that must be addressed to fully meet business needs. Mapping
teams are assigned groups of future business processes, usually related by
business function. Business Requirements Scenarios (RD.050) is then mapped to
application functionality.
Analyze High-Level Gaps
BR.020 Prepare mapping environment
BR.030 Map Business requirements
BR.040 Map Business Data
BR.050 Conduct Integration Fit Analysis
BR.060 Create Information Model
BR.070 Create Reporting Fit Analysis
BR.080 Test Business Solutions
BR.090 Confirm Integrated Business Solutions
BR.100 Define Applications Setup
BR.110 Define security Profiles
Application and
Technical Architecture (TA)
During Application and Technical Architecture,
you design an information systems architecture that reflects your business
Define Architecture Requirements and Strategy
TA.020 Identify Current Technical Architecture
TA.030 Develop Preliminary Conceptual Architecture
TA.040 Define Application Architecture
TA.050 Define System Availability Strategy
TA.060 Define Reporting and Information Access Strategy
TA.070 Revise Conceptual Architecture
TA.080 Define Application Security Architecture
TA.090 Define Application and Database Server Architecture
TA.100 Define and Propose Architecture Subsystems
TA.110 Define System Capacity Plan
TA.120 Define Platform and Network Architecture
TA.130 Define Application Deployment Plan
TA.140 Assess Performance Risks
TA.150 Define System Management Procedures
Module Design and
Build (MD)
Module Design and Build produces custom application
extensions for gaps in functionality identified during Business Requirements
Mapping (BR). Custom application extensions include program modules (forms,
reports, alerts, and database triggers) that must be designed, built, and
tested before they can be incorporated into the new system.
Define Application Extension Strategy
MD.020 Define and estimate application extensions
MD.030 Define design standards
MD.040 Define Build Standards
MD.050 Create Application extensions functional design
MD.060 Design Database extensions
MD.070 Create Application extensions technical design
MD.080 Review functional and Technical designs
MD.090 Prepare Development environment
MD.100 Create Database extensions
MD.110 Create Application extension modules
MD.120 Create Installation routines
Data Conversion (CV)
Data Conversion defines the tasks and
deliverables required to convert legacy data to the Oracle Applications tables.
The converted data may be needed for system testing, training, and acceptance
testing, as well as for production cutover.
Define data conversion requirements and strategy
CV.020 Define Conversion standards
CV.030 Prepare conversion environment
CV.040 Perform conversion data mapping
CV.050 Define manual conversion procedures
CV.060 Design conversion programs
CV.070 Prepare conversion test plans
CV.080 Develop conversion programs
CV.090 Perform conversion unit tests
CV.100 Perform conversion business objects
CV.110 Perform conversion validation tests
CV.120 Install conversion programs
CV.130 Convert and verify data
Documentation (DO)
The amount and level of detail of documentation
varies by project. The Documentation Requirements and Strategy (DO.010) defines
the documentation requirements for the project and establishes which of the
optional Documentation tasks are required. Implementation complexity and
documentation requirements are closely correlated.
Define documentation requirements and strategy
DO.020 Define Documentation standards and procedures
DO.030 Prepare glossary
DO.040 Prepare documentation environment
DO.050 Produce documentation prototypes and templates
DO.060 Publish user reference manual
DO.070 Publish user guide
DO.080 Publish technical reference manual
DO.090 Publish system management guide
Business System
Testing (TE)
Early in the project life-cycle, Business
System Testing focuses on linking test requirements back to business
requirements and securing project resources needed for testing. It supports
utilizing common test information, including data profiles, to promote testing
coordination and to minimize duplication of test preparation and execution
TE.010 Define testing requirements and strategy
TE.020 Develop unit test script
TE.030 Develop link test script
TE.040 Develop system test script
TE.050 Develop systems integration test script
TE.060 Prepare testing environments
TE.070 Perform unit test
TE.080 Perform link test
TE.090 perform installation test
TE.100 Prepare key users for testing
TE.110 Perform system test
TE.120 Perform systems integration test
TE.130 Perform Acceptance test
Performance Testing
Performance Testing enables you to define, build,
and execute a performance test. It does not assume a particular scope for the
performance test. You can use the same process to define a complex test on an
entire system, or a simpler test on a component or subset of the system. You
may also initiate the process more than once on a project with differing scope
and objectives to test the performance of different aspects of your system. The
specific goals of each process and the relative timing within a project may be
different, but the method you use may be the same.
Define Performance Testing Strategy
PT.020 Identify Performance Test Scenarios
PT.030 Identify Performance Test Transaction
PT.040 Create Performance Test Scripts
PT.050 Design Performance Test Transaction Programs
PT.060 Design Performance Test Data
PT.070 Design Test Database Load Programs
PT.080 Create Performance Test Transaction Programs
PT.090 Create Test Database Load Programs
PT.100 Construct Performance Test Database
PT.110 Prepare Performance Test Environment
PT.120 Execute Performance Test
Adoption and Learning (AP)
Adoption and Learning establishes a measurement
system that provides an evaluation of organizational performance to help make
sure that expectations are met during implementation and after production
Define Executive Project Strategy
AP.020 Conduct Initial Project Team Orientation
AP.030 Develop Project Team Learning Plan
AP.040 Prepare Project Team Learning Environment
AP.050 Conduct Project Team Learning Events
AP.060 Develop Business Unit Managers’ Readiness Plan
AP.070 Develop Project Readiness Roadmap
AP.080 Develop and Execute Communication Campaign
AP.090 Develop Managers’ Readiness Plan
AP.100 Identify Business Process Impact on Organization
AP.110 Align Human Performance Support Systems
AP.120 Align Information Technology Groups
AP.130 Conduct User Learning Needs Analysis
AP.140 Develop User Learning Plan
AP.150 Develop User Learning ware
AP.160 Prepare User Learning Environment
AP.170 Conduct User Learning Events
AP.180 Conduct Effectiveness Assessment
Production Migration (PM)
Production Migration moves the company, system,
and people to the new enterprise system. Following production cutover, it
monitors and refines the production system and plans for the future. The
Production Migration process encompasses transition to production readiness,
production cutover, and post-production support.
Define Transition Strategy
PM.020 Design Production Support Infrastructure
PM.030 Develop Transition and Contingency Plan
PM.040 Prepare Production Environment
PM.050 Set Up Applications
PM.060 Implement Production Support Infrastructure
PM.070 Verify Production Readiness
PM.080 Begin Production
PM.090 Measure System Performance
PM.100 Maintain System
PM.110 Refine Production System
PM.120 Decommission Former Systems
PM.130 Propose Future Business Direction
PM.140 Propose Future Technical Direction